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21 Day Fast

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

In February of this year, I took on the challenge to participate in the Daniel Fast for 21 days. With my birthday approaching the next month, I felt it would be the perfect time to reflect on my journey to 30. During this fast, I cut refined sugar, fried food, meat/eggs, alcohol, refined starch, and dairy from my diet.

I will admit that I had a cheat code to keep me on track and reduce any potential frustration. In addition, I made some modifications so that I could combine intermittent fasting with the Daniel fast. My fasting window was from 9pm to 1pm (I only consumed food between 1pm and 9pm). I ate the same meal for lunch and dinner throughout the course of the fast. This made meal prepping more simplistic and took the guess work out of fasting. Social settings were slightly challenging and sometimes awkward especially when I walked into an event with a bowl of beans. Here’s an example of the type of lunch and dinner I ate:

My Intermittent Daniel Fast

Breakfast: Black Coffee and Water

Lunch: Sautéed onions and peppers, broccoli, brown rice and quinoa, black beans

Snack: Raw Unsalted Almonds

Dinner: Sautéed onions and peppers, broccoli, brown rice and quinoa, black beans

From this fasting experience, I recognized this:

“Our minds, bodies, and souls are fed by what we consume. What we consume is a reflection of our values. Our values dictate our daily decisions. Our daily decisions will write the story of our life.” -Khilia Chantal

If you have any questions about my fast, leave a comment and I'll gladly answer them!


Khilia Chantal

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